2024年国际学生寒假温馨提示 Warm Tips for 2024 Winter Vacation


Dear International Students:


The winter vacation of 2024 is from January 20th to February 25th, 2024. In order to ensure that everyone has a safe and happy vacation, the relevant matters are reminded as follows:


If you plan to leave during vacation, please register in dormitory or mini program and leave your signature at the end of this notice before you leave. In case of travelling to other cities within China, please register in local police station within 24 hours according to regulations. During your departure from school, please pay attention to personal property and safety, keep your phone open and proactively contact your supervisor or instructor at least once a week.

2. 校内居住的国际学生应遵守宿舍管理规定,23:00前须返回宿舍,宿舍内不得容留他人。如有特殊原因在外留宿,须提前请假并告知学院及宿管老师。请注意用水、用电安全,保证人走电断,谨防触电等事故发生。禁止在宿舍非指定地点使用电磁炉、微波炉等加热电器,宿舍内不得使用明火,禁止存放易燃、易爆物品。

Students who live on campus should abide by the dormitory management regulations and come back before 23:00pm. Accommodating other people in the dorm is not allowed. Staying outside of the campus for special reasons must be reported to the dormitory management teacher, instructor and get approval in advance. Keep alert when using electricity and water, turn off the power before you leave, avoid electric shock or other related incidents. It is forbidden to use induction cookers, microwave ovens, or other heating appliances at non-designated places in dormitory; open fire, inflammable and explosive objects are banned in dormitories.


Turn off the electricity, close the windows and lock the door when you leave the dormitory. Take care of yourself and personal properties outside. Wear a helmet when riding an electric bike. Abide by traffic rules outside. Do not take unlicensed motorcycle or taxi.


Students who live off campus should always ensure the safety of water, electricity and gas in your apartment. If your residential address off-campus changes, please report to the dormitory management teacher immediately and register for temporary accommodation in time.


All students shall strictly abide by the Chinese laws, school rules and community regulations; never engage in activities that are not allowed for international students, such as illegal employment/working. If a foreigner works without a work-permit/work-type residence permit in accordance with the regulations, he or she is regarded as working illegally in China. Any violations of the law or regulations of our university will be dealt with accordingly.


Please strengthen security awareness, guard against telecom Internet fraud, download and install National Anti Fraud Center APP recommended by the National Anti fraud Center in time.


Please pay attention to the expiration date of your visa. Students whose visa will expire before 1st March, please contact the Office before 20th January for extension documents. After obtaining new residence permit from the immigration office,  please update it to the instructor.


Pay close attention to the weather forecast, add more clothes in time according to the weather changes, take protection measures against wind, snow, cold and freezing, and try to avoid or reduce outdoor activities during periods of extreme weather.


Please arrange your vacation time appropriately, do moderate exercise and always put mask on. In case of fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat and other symptoms, please inform instructor in time, and if necessary go to the hospital immediately.


When any physical or psychological discomfort occurs, please communicate with your supervisor,instructor or dormitory management teacher in time. We will try to provide help as soon as possible.


Wish you all a happy, healthy, safe and colorful vacation !



ISCLC, Henan University

3rd January, 2024

Minglun Campus:

85 Minglun Street, Kaifeng 475001, P.R. China

Minglun Campus:


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